.Layer (dot-layer) is an open community promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing in data science.

Why .Layer? In Unix operating systems, files beggining with a dot are invisible to the user. Many ignore their purpose, even their existence. In this world where data are queens, data scientists form this hidden layer, invisible to the public. It is now time we say Hello, World!

Implication: Concretely, we work together for

  • organizing educational events promoting the sharing of knowledge in data science
  • promoting ethical uses of data
  • encouraging the creation of collaborative projects
  • assisting in the development and proper functioning of projects aiming to disseminate/explain concepts related to data science.

Our story:

During the summer of 2018, around fifteen people, friends of friends passionate about machine learning gathered in a chalet in Charlevoix. The objective was to create a platform to promote collaboration between the various actors in the field (in Quebec City). An unfortunate patio screen accident later (as we see too often), .Layer had his name and a collaborative project to promote collaborative projects was born. We were already talking about creating a non-profit organization (NPO) to manage our activities.

2019 marked the “official” birth of the NPO with a first board of directors and the creation of different committees. At the time of the second edition of the legendary “chalet”, a blog was operational, Meetup Machine Learning Québec (conferences, workshops, hackothon) was already an integral part of the ecosystem and the first episodes of the OpenLayer podcast had just been broadcast. The rest of the story is to be written. We are waiting for you, don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to get involved!

To chat with us –> Slack

To follow what’s up with .Layer –> Facebook